Prospective Members
The Value of an FPA Membership
FPA Provides a Means of Personal Development and Support
- Involvement provides members with a chance to connect with individuals who share the same or similar life challenges.
- Psychologists are bound to confidentiality and need an outlet for the free discussion of ideas and challenges without fear of disclosing protected information. Involvement in FPA provides a venue where members can receive valuable advice and direction since the required anonymity will not be challenged by familiarity with prospective community members.
- FPA provides access to no or low cost continuing education workshops and on-demand courses to its members.
- FPA provides unlimited access to its Director of Professional Affairs who provides assistance with licensing regulations, solutions for ethical questions, ethical dilemma training and resolution of clinical questions.
- FPA offers a 30-minute attorney consultation during each membership year, which includes a special membership discount rate for additional hours.
FPA Provides Members with News Important to the Field of Psychology
- FPA disseminates the latest national and local psychology news through our quarterly magazine, Florida Psychologist, emails, and social media.
FPA Contributes to the Financial Stability of Its Members
- FPA provides financial benefits to association members through a variety of discounts and a 30-minute free practice business consultation.
- Members are able to market their services and practice, and to receive and seek referrals.
FPA Provides Career-Building Opportunities
- FPA enhances a member’s career by offering opportunities to: publish professional articles; be the featured member in Florida Psychologist; receive professional recognition through FPA awards.
FPA Furthers the Interests of Psychologists in Florida
- We lobby at the state legislature
- We monitor the activities of the Florida Board of Psychology and weigh in, when appropriate
- We review state administrative rule and policy development and advocate when necessary
Member Testimonials
"Being a member of FPA has helped me increase my network of other like-minded professionals, has given me access to high quality APA approved CEs, and has afforded me many leadership opportunities through which I have been able to advocate for my profession. As a professional of color, FPA has given me a community and much needed support and connection specific to my needs. I would say that FPA membership has had a significant impact in preventing burnout in all of the above mentioned ways." ~ Dr. Christiane Blanco-Oilar
"I joined FPA as soon as I got licensed, and it has been a constant source of professional identity and resources for me. It provides me access to continuing education, peer consultation, legislative advocacy, leadership opportunities, and important news on legal and practice updates. I'm also grateful to have had the opportunity to get to know so many other folks in the field. I can't imagine being a psychologist in the state of Florida and not being a member of this group!" ~ Dr. Taylor Thompson
Year in Review
Click here to see what we accomplished from September 2023- August 2024.
Click here to see what we accomplished from September 2022 - August 2023.
Member Benefits
Click here to view our member benefits!
Click here to view our student member benefits!
Membership Types
Regular Membership
An individual can qualify as a member of FPA if that person:
- is licensed as a psychologist by the State of Florida; or
- is a fellow of the American Psychological Association; or
- holds a diplomate from the American Board of Professional Psychology or any other diplomating board recognized and approved by the Florida Board of Psychology; or
- is employed full time by a Florida college or university psychology department and holds a doctorate in the field of psychology; or
- is employed as a research psychologist with a doctoral degree in psychology; or
- is employed as an industrial/organizational psychologist in a private or public company or corporation. This individual must have at least a doctorate in the field of psychology.
$292 - 1st year - NEW MEMBERS ONLY - Licensed in the state of Florida and a new member. Has voting privileges.
$292 - 2nd year - Licensed in the state of Florida and a member for 2nd year. Has voting privileges.
$364 - Regular - Licensed in the state of Florida and a member for more than 2 years. Has voting privileges.
Other Membership
$150 - Senior Psychologist - 65 or older and has been a member of FPA or another State Psychological or Territorial Association (SPTA) for 5 years or more. Has voting privileges.
$364 - Out of State Psychologist - Licensed in another jurisdiction but not in Florida.
$10 - Student - Must be a student in a college or university psychology program. This includes being in an internship program or doing post-graduate residency. Instructor or department head of graduate program must endorse application.
Membership applications are reviewed and approved by the FPA Executive Committee, which typically meets the first Tuesday of the month. If you need an expedited application, please email Nickcole Caldwell.
Note: Dues to the Florida Psychological Association are not deductible as a charitable contribution for tax purposes, but may be deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense. A portion of the dues, however, is not deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense because the Association engages in lobbying activities. FPA estimates that 20% of dues are allocated to lobbying activities and are non-deductible.
To pay by check, please complete the appropriate application below and send along with your check to FPA, PO Box 7416, Tallahassee, FL 32314.
Click here to download a membership application.
Click here to download a student membership application.