Membership Directory - Individual

Lata Sonpal

Member Since: 1969


Work Address: 7742 North Kendall Drive
Work City: Miami
Work Zip Code: 33156-8550
Specialty: ANX - Anxiety, ASA - Alcohol & Substance Abuse, ANG - Anger Management, BRI - Bereavement, BIA - Bipolar/Affective, BMT - Behavioral Medicine/Therapy, CAP - Child/Adolescent Psychology, CRD - Career Development, CLP - Clinical Psychology, CHP - Chronic Pain, COG - Cognitive Therapy, DEP - Depression, EDS - Eating Disorders, FTH - Family Therapy, GER - Geriatric, GLI - Gay & Lesbian Counseling, HYP - Hypnosis, HIV - HIV/Aids Patients & their families, INS - Incest Victims, IDS - Impulse Disorders, MCC - Marriage/Couples Counseling, MNI - Men's Counseling, OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, PSD - Psychodynamic, PBA - Phobias, PDS - Psychosomatic Disorders, PED - Personality Disorders, PRP - Private Practice, PSY - Psychotherapy, PTS - Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, REI - Racial/Ethnic Counseling, SDI - Separation & Divorce, STM - Stress Management, TRI - Terminal Illnesses, WNI - Women's Counseling
Services Offered: I have an open minded approach to treatment, tailoring each session to individual patient needs and combining conventional therapy with more eclectic methods such as Client Centered Therapy, Humanistic Rogerian Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy and Future Life Progression Therapy. I help clients cultivate critical thinking skills so that they may find their own solutions, heal from past wounds and begin living mindfully in the present moment and move forward. Past life regressions are undertaken for this purpose and patients are encouraged to implement the insights gained to transform their current lives. Those who do not believe in past lives are regressed to the roots and origins of their problems in this life. When, despite their not believing in past lives, they still experience a previous life then we explore symbolical and metaphorical applications in this life. In Future Life Progression clients experience their future in this life time and also in lives to come. They learn lessons that they can apply in here and now to improve their present lives
Telehealth Support: Yes
Other Languages Spoken besides English: Other
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 11.00 a.m to 7:00 p.m.