FPA Position Statements

SJC2FPA has charged the Social Justice Committee (SJC) with maintaining a pulse on social issues that impact the work of psychologists. The SJC seeks consensus in addressing and publishing position statements for FPA and more broadly the practitioners, graduate students, and clients/patients served by Florida psychologists. The SJC endeavors to remain true to positive social change and writes responses informed by peer-reviewed, evidence-based, and sound research.

Other entities within FPA may also submit position statements for consideration.

The FPA Board of Directors shall be responsible for deciding when and in what form such a public comment on policy should be made.

The mission of the SJC serves to increase awareness of and advocate for equality and justice among members and the community through:

  • Promoting values of beneficence and nonmaleficence within the context of intersectional privilege
  • Sharing accountability for demonstrating respect of individual rights and dignity with integrity
  • Decreasing mental health disparities among marginalized population is Florida
  • Increasing psychologists' cultural competence via educational opportunities
  • Conducting and disseminating research with practical treatment recommendations to improve mental health outcomes for oppressed groups
  • Enabling psychologists to understand the current cultural and diversity factors surrounding social justice issues and take appropriate action to voice their concerns

Parkland Shooting (March 2018)

On behalf of the Florida Psychological Association (FPA), we would like to extend our deepest condolences to the victims, families, and friends affected by the Parkland shooting. Unfortunately, this country, the State of Florida, and one of our local communities is having to deal with another gun related mass tragedy. Over the past several years we have had to cope with numerous mass shootings, many involving young people. Most recently it has taken place in Parkland, Florida where fourteen high school students and three faculty members lost their lives. In addition, fourteen other students were injured, and thousands of other students, faculty, staff, and families were affected either directly or indirectly. There are also countless first responders, law enforcement, fire fighters, and others affected.